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This forum is a place for collectors and aficionados of war films to exchange comments and reviews of war movies and films of war-related genres. It will also serve as a place to share with other internet users sources of "hard to find" titles. It can also be a place where collectors can trade or sell their spare copies to others. However the forum and its staff accept no liability for any trades of tapes or DVDs, all deals are made by interested parties at their own risk. Also, links on this forum to internet retailers and sellers are not endorsements or guarantees. Any purchases should be made taking into account normal internet safety measures.

Regarding Rules for posting, be polite, let's have no swearing or personal attacks. Have fun, post as many topics for discussion as you like, and let's all share our knowledge with others.

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Head Administrator

Registered: 02-2005
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Some Movie Sites

The Birdmen - a site about this famous TV movie with Doug McClure.

Where Eagles Dare - the Burton/Eastwood Classic.

Band of Brothers - a Site about the series, the history and the veterans.
2/11/2005, 11:27 pm Link to this post Send Email to warfilmman
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Registered: 07-2005
Location: Texas
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Re: Some Movie Sites

Vimeo is a nice site where you can find some war films and play them online. Unlike YouTube Vimeo never puts adverts on a film being played.


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10/11/2016, 2:15 pm Link to this post Send Email to Pastor Rick   Send PM to Pastor Rick Blog

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